3 Issues That Require Emergency Dental Care

Like adults, children's dental issues can occur despite maintaining good oral hygiene. However, some of these problems may be difficult to diagnose since they are painless. Parents must check on their children's teeth and gums for visible signs that may necessitate emergency dental care. 

Here are 3 kids' dental issues that require emergency dental care

1. Toothache and Jaw Pain

If your child complains of a toothache, the first thing would be to give them a safe pain medication as you ponder the next step. However, if the pain doesn't stop, or it ceases and reoccurs after some time, it would be good to check into dental care for an emergency visit. Severe ache can be due to nerve damage or tooth decay, which is common for kids between 2 to 11years to develop cavities. Your doctor may do a root canal and fill the cavity. However, if it's a milk tooth, it can be removed to relieve the pain. 

Jaw pain can also be another reason to check into emergency dentistry. Jaw pain can make your child uncomfortable and experience problems in opening the mouth or chewing. Also, if the child clenches the jaw more often, it can require urgent attention. The dentist may recommend a bite guard, which is a device that relaxes the jaw when asleep. A broken jaw can cause severe pain, and your child may experience difficulty talking, opening, and closing their mouth. It requires an urgent appointment with a dentist who first prescribes pain medication before intervening with a dental procedure. 

2. Fractured and Knocked-Out Teeth

Kids are naturally active, and it's normal for emergencies to occur. A fall can lead to a fractured tooth, and although it may be painless, it's vital to treat it as an emergency. Failure to treat a broken tooth can expose it to further damage, which can create a cavity and harbor bacteria. If the child has a crack or a knocked-out tooth, check into a dental emergency so that the dentist can evaluate and recommend treatment. 

3. Bleeding and Swollen Gums

If your child notices some little blood on their toothbrush after brushing, it may not be a cause of worry. However, excess blood can mean there's a serious problem that requires urgent medical attention. Quite too often, too much blood is a sign there is an infection that requires immediate treatment. Likewise, swollen gums indicate the signs of an infection. At the dental emergency unit, your dentist assesses the gums and may recommend antibiotic treatment. 

Your child's oral health is essential in promoting their general well-being. Contact an emergency dental care dentist if your child experiences the above issues.
